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Library Facilities

Librarian (Photo)
Librarian Name – Mr.Thorat M.P

Email ID -

In present situation library can be called as an excellent information center. Dissemination of knowledge & information is the main function of the library & library generates information through various forms of collection, such as books Journals & Periodicals etc.

We are committed to provide an easy and ready access to library resources for updating the knowledge base of students and staff. Our endeavor is to keep the users of library abreast of the state of the art inputs in respect of Engineering & Technology. We are streamlining our concerted efforts to build our library as an excellent center for disseminating information.



    Total Library Collection:


    Total No of Titles:


    Total Periodicals and Journals :


    A) National:       


    B) International: 


    C) E-Journals: 


    Total investment Books , Furniture &Equipments - Rs. 20,03,933 /- (Only Book & Journals Amount)

    * Total Library Area : 1096.35 sq.m

    A.      Library Stack, Reference Section & Reading Hall Total Area : 404sq.m

    Non-Print Documents(CD/DVD/Audio/Video Cass)


    Library Timings

    • Circulation & Reference Section 09:00 am to 06:00 pm
    • Reading Hall : 8:00 am to 12:00 midnight

          * Implementation of Library Services

    A.      E-resources
    B.      Reference Service
    C.      Reprographic Service
    D.     Day – night Reading Hall Service

    Library Timing:: 9.00 am To 6.00 pm

    1. Books will be issued to the student against the Identity Card.
    2. Students can be issued Only Three books on Library Card.
    3. Identity card is not transferable.
    4. Book Issue Return Timing 9.00 am To 6.00 pm.
    5. Books will have to be issued for a minimum Period of 10 Days.
    6. The issued book must be returned on or before the last date stamped on the Due Dade Slip, pasted on the first page of the book.
    7. Book for late return of books fine will be charged as follows – (a) 01 to 10 days Rs.2/- (b) 11 days to 15 days Rs.3/- (c) 16 days onwards Rs.300/-
    8. A Fine of Rs.50/- per day will be charged in case of delay in returning the reference material.
    9. Every person who enters the library must sign the Entry Register.
    10. Readers’ suggestions are appreciated and welcomed. Readers desirous of proposing any title or other additions to the library collection may do so by filling the details of the ‘Books Suggestion Form’ Available in the library.
    11. Use of Mobile Phone is prohibited in the library.
    12. Students are not allowed to take personal belongings inside the library or the reading hall in the library.
    13. Students are not allowed to carry their issued books inside library.
    14. Before leaving the Reading room chair should be properly arranged.
    15. Students are directly responsible for any damage done to books or any other property of the Library.

    Important notices and information regarding the Library as well as changes, if any, will be notified from time to time on the Library notice boards.

    Salient Features

    • Day-night Reading Hall facility
    • Digital Library facility
    • On-line E-Journals
    • Internet facility
    • Reprography facility
    • Specious Reading Hall – 200 Students seating capacity

    List of News Papers: Times of India (English), Indian Express (English), Navbharat (Hindi), Daily Lokmat (Marathi), Loksatta (Marathi), Sakal (Marathi).